Distorting Mirrors, Peter’s second play had three successful public readings. The first two took place in the Tristan Bates Theatre, Actors’ Centre, Covent Garden, London WC2 on 30 September and 1 October 2016. It was directed b Geoffrey Williamson, and the cast list included Victoria Lennox, Reginald Edwards, Steve Hansell, Jack Parry-Jones and Mariam Haque.
The third, a most successful reading was held on 31 March 2016 in The Theatre Room, Frederick’s Place, EC2 in the City of London. The play was directed by Alan Cohen who worked for the National Theatre and produced by Sarah Berger, founder and chief executive of the So and So Arts Club (www.thesoandsoartsclub.com). She also played the Elsa, the central character, a psychiatrist/psychoanalyst who practice was banned under the Communist regime. Other members of the cast were: Paul Herzberg, Simon Cole, Jessica Clair and Hugh John. There are plan to have a full production of this play early in 2017.